Thursday, September 22, 2005

MNN. (My News Network)

I don't understand why none of the news networks have tickers worth reading. It took a good 10 minutes yesterday (and three channel changes) to figure out what was wrong with that JetBlue plane. There was plenty of footage of the front tire blowing apart and sparks all over the runway. The captions mentioned JetBlue, LAX, and something dire, but they never mentioned why the situation was so scary. And what is more, the announcer guy never mentioned why the situation was scary. Instead, he talked about what a great landing it was.

Well. There you go. I guess it's an indictment of society today. We want to know what happened, but we could care less why it happened.

I am sure tonight there will be plenty of interviews with various passengers. There will be the usual comments about how scary it was, whether it was good/bad to watch it on the television screen (personally I think that's very cool), and how professional and level-headed the crew were.

Maybe I'll watch that M*A*S*H rerun instead.

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