Friday, June 22, 2007

Question of the day.

Why have people been asking me stupid questions all week?

Q: Do you have a cart so I can haul my machines to the lab?
A: No, I am not the tech. I get paid to do other work.

Q: Can you let me into the lab so I can put my machines there?
A: Yes, but your badge should work too. If it doesn't, we have a tech who can help you.

Q: Can you help me move my machines to the lab?
A: No, I'm not the tech. I have other work to do.

Q: Chassis #2 of 4 never came up. Did you want 12 cpus?
A: No, I want all 16. If I wanted 12, do you think I would have taken out a chassis that way, in the middle?

Q: What is the textbook for the class?
A: It is the one in the bookstore. You can call them yourself, lazy.

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