Monday, April 03, 2006

It's a great day.

J's birthday present is mailed out. On time, to boot, for the first time in maybe a decade.

The taxes are done.

The rebate for the tax software is done.

The weather is downright balmy. A little soggy, I'll give you that, but I won't melt if you won't.

Now that we're on daylight savings time, we finally get more daylight at the end of the day and it's finally starting to feel like spring.

They plan to release "The Simpsons" movie before the end of the series. Therefore the movie won't automatically mean the end of the series. Therefore, they could plausibly extend the series beyond two more years. Hope springs eternal.

They're going to rerun "Monty Python" on the local PBS station.

It's a great day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! And not just the part that pertains to me. :) I must do taxes. And get out into the weather. I shall not watch the Simpsons movie, but I'm glad that you're glad.