Monday, May 14, 2007

Weekend Accomplishments

  1. Finished "Winning the Loser's Game", which is actually a fantastic read and would have gone much faster had it not been required for this quarter's class.
  2. Discovered that while you can caramelize sugar in the microwave, you probably should not. The reason being that microwave-safe bowls do not heat to the same temperature as the sugar, making pouring the stuff out onto the cooling sheet surprisingly difficult.
  3. Spent a pleasant hour unsticking the sugar from my teeth. Happy memories of taffy. Would have been a happy memory of peanut brittle, except the store-bought brittle isn't quite so tough.
  4. Shopped while fried. Apparently looked so pathetic several women offered to help me on two occasions, both time to take the shopping cart away from me.
  5. Sent an electronic birthday card. Added an extra year to the recipient's age because I thought it was 2008 when I computed the difference.

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