Friday, September 07, 2007

Back in the USA.

Harry Potter is a horrible book to travel with. I managed to get halfway through with hardly any effort. His only redeeming quality is he can keep your immigration/customs declarations forms uncrinkled.

小笼包 is not something that should be eaten every day.

HK has fewer opportunities these days.

There is no food in the fridge.

The guy who was supposed to be my boss left the company during my absence. Interestingly, the offer letter still went through. Fortunately, my previous colleagues still seem to love me and are calling for my return.

Seoul was the cleanest city visited on this trip and filled with incredibly polite and helpful people, even if we didn't speak the same language. It's too bad the food is so expensive.

I have no idea what horrors lie in my mailbox.

There was a giant cobweb stretching across the second floor. I walked right into it.

I dozed off this afternoon, which was a very bad thing to do. On the other hand, driving to the grocery store in a fog isn't such a great idea either.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There you are! I had totally forgotten you were going on this trip.

I envy you your visit to Seoul. Someday I will go there.