Friday, February 11, 2005

Maybe it's looking a gift horse in the mouth.

I appreciate the effort that went into my plaques. They cost a fair bit of money (plaques do not normally come cheap). The award is much appreciated, especially given that they probably strained the department budget. But there's a but.

Is it too much to ask that all plaques come with appropriate mounting or display hardware? This particular one, the nicest one I have and my personal favorite, has nearly killed me at least twice. It has grooves where the mounting hardware probably goes, but no hardware. I improvised with pushpins. Obviously this isn't working out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please go buy a couple of drywall anchors and put the plaques up properly. I agree they should come with, but a dollar or two is not worth risking your life, no matter how nice the plaque is.