Monday, July 12, 2004

Oh drat, I came up with some lovely things to riff about yesterday evening and today. But now I am drawing a blank and I don't remember them at all. Today was truly a Monday. In addition to forgetting a perfectly good post, while eating an apricot today, I managed to dribble juice on a clean pair of pants. How many juicy apricots have you had?

Yesterday I visited the farmers market, a very nice experience. This year it seems apricots are out in full force. Last year, I remember complaining about how I couldn't find fresh apricots anymore. This year, I guess I'll complain about not finding either Rainier or Royal Anne cherries in good condition at a decent price.

"I love the 90's" is playing on VH1. The television is on in the first place because there is a load of laundry still going. There is something strangely addictive about these series; somehow the cynical remarks, fast pace, and pop culture references make me cringe at how silly these fads were and how seriously people took them at the time. But this formula only works for cultural references you either remember or vaguely remember. The 80's series worked because the comedians remembered the decade and many of the references. So far the 90's is working because again the comedians remember all those fads, but it's not working as well because the 90's isn't far enough removed to be kitschy. The 70's series (or what little I have seen of all of these shows) didn't seem as compelling because I couldn't connect with those fads. This is why a 60's or 50's series might not work as well. Anything earlier probably isn't kitschy enough.

This is pathetic. I should just go to bed, since I kind of promised myself I'd go to work early tomorrow.

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