Friday, July 09, 2004

There are 3 cakes, 4 fillings, and 4 icings, making for a total of 48 possible cake configurations. More realistically, since carrot cake is difficult to pair up (carrot cake, strawberry filling, and chocolate icing?), there are 1 + 2*4*4 = 33 different combinations. Furthermore, I think chocolate cake with apricot filling sounds weird (the cake would overwhelm the filling), this means 4 less, or 29 total.

Each cake yields 48 small portions, so we will get 13 cakes as we are now expecting 600 people, or very nearly so. And yes, excluding the carrot cakes, each one is different. I have coded the decorations: scored icing for the carrot and chocolate cakes, and writing for the white ones. Carrot will have little carrots in each box, and chocolate with have little roses. White cake shall have colored roses on the fringe and writing in the middle. The color of the roses will indicate the filling: yellow = white cheesecake, orange = apricot mousse, brown/chocolate/dark = chocolate mousse.

Each cake has 2 pounds of filling, so the cake itself should weigh 3-5 pounds. Going on the high side, that's 65 pounds of cake.

We haven't discussed beverages yet. 13 cases of bottled water, each one probably weighing more than each cake.

Most disturbing, we are allocating a significant portion of the budget (just under 1/3 of the food/beverage/plate cost) toward renting a van or SUV so we can transport the 100+ pounds of comestibles.

If/when I get married, there will be fewer than 600 guests. The cake will definitely be neither carrot nor white nor chocolate, which unfortunately doesn't leave too many options. (J doesn't like coconut, and I don't like strawberry in the cake itself. Ube anyone?) Of course, I would also promise dinner to all my guests at a wedding.

Thank goodness we only promised "light refreshments" for this event.


Unknown said...

You are insane. Or, no, your company/group who expects you to deal with all this is insane. 600 people?? I say next time you buy several bags of pretzels from Costco and call it a day. Well, maybe not.

I won't be having a 600-person wedding either. Of course, that's because I'm not sure I've met 600 people in my entire life (or even 300), never mind how many I know now and would want to invite to my wedding. In fact...let me immediate list is forty people, including "and guest"s, and I could pare it down further if necessary.

There's yellow cake. Or cheesecake. Or ice cream cake. I would really love to see a wedding reception with an ice cream cake.

koalabear100 said...

I am insane, but you knew that already, didn't you? What I didn't realize before was the fact that I am also 30% evil (see earlier post).

The ice cream cake is a fantastic idea. Unfortunately, given my lineage, a substantial number of my guests are likely lactose-intolerant. But an ice-themed wedding is a neat idea: chilled dinner (sushi, salad, other cold items), drinks served in glasses carved out of ice, and an ice cream cake.