Monday, September 20, 2004

But what shall we name it?

The other night the "Iron Chef" aired a neat idea for the 3S. The idea actually came from the challenger's side. The theme was eggs. The challenger made a white pepper ice cream using some egg yolks. The ice cream in of itself sounds intriguing, but the neat part was the presentation. He whipped up the egg whites with a little sugar into a merengue. Then he shaped mountain-like mounds of the merengue and floated them on boiling water until they cooked through. To serve, he placed a round scoop of the ice cream onto the plate and pressed the merengue mountain onto it. Sort of like finding the treasure in the mountain. He drizzled fresh raspberry sauce on the plate and covered the mountain with an eggy custard sauce. I forget the final name of the dish. I wonder if it would flambe well.

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