Friday, September 10, 2004

There's hope for me yet!

Or: that's your definition of hope?

I've decided I would make a good lawyer. Lawyers are suposed to think of every possible worst-case scenario and plan for it. They'll have appeals all ready to go in their briefcases even before their client is indicted. Stuff like that.

I personally am cynical and I worry about every possible scenario. I pick over details and nail down several possible gameplans. All of this to the point of frustrating the freer of spirit.

Meaning there's an alternate path for me out there that doesn't necessarily include engineering. Or trying to collect on insurance money for 3S. Or trying to convince grade-school kids that I'm cool, something teachers must do every day.

Being a rock star, historian, custodian, or friendly customer service representative were already out.

1 comment:

koalabear100 said...

Is this a great country or what? On both counts.