Wednesday, August 11, 2004

I don't get it. There's a hot water dispenser on this floor that supposedly dispenses boiled water. The past few days there's been an "Out of Service" sign taped to it. At one point the sign was taped to cover the spout.

Water from a broken dispenser might not be fully boiled, right? Or the filter could not be working? In which case the water may be crawling with microbes. Or at least many more microbes than are usual. As a result I haven't been consuming water from this dispenser. The dispenser is somewhat sanitary at the best of times (it's in a public place, after all) and probably extremely unsanitary now that it's not working.

And yet my coworkers continue to flip the sign up and use the dispenser. I figure at least one of the following must apply:

1. They have iron-clad stomachs.
2. The dispenser isn't actually broken. Perhaps the sign was originally attached to the vending machine and it got moved.
3. They are morons.

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