Friday, August 06, 2004

Over lunch a little while ago, I came up with a storyline which somebody said would work well on an episode of "The Simpsons". It could fit in assuming there's a way to fit in the Simpson family.

The idea grew from trends in sponsorship. Namely, there are one or two folks who would sell the rights to name their newborn children. The story starts 30 years in the past with a couple of parents selling the rights to their child's name. Suppose the Coca-Cola company decided on the name "Coke". The child's middle name has the initial J, and the child goes by "C.J." all of his life. He uses C.J. so much nobody learns his first name. He eventually makes it to the board of directors of a Fortune 500 company. He eventually lands a position at PepsiCo. And there's a sinister plot to learn this from his top-secret personnel file.

There's a similar episode in which we learned the real owner of the nuclear plant is Canary M. Burns.

Not exactly an engineering drama, but it could have potential all the same.

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